
HP Hedge was established in 2007 and is a professional and independent hedge fund with an active investment strategy

The fund (AIF) consists of three subfunds with different investment strategies. Common to them all is that they only invest in fixed income. HP Hedge offers access to leveraged professional investments in yield spreads on the Danish government and mortgage bond market and in the European bond market through its three sub-divisions.

HP Hedge Danish Bonds offers exposure to the Danish government and mortgage bond market, while the HP Hedge Fixed Income sub-fund in addition to the Danish mortgage bond market also can have positions in short and medium-term European government bonds, the European covered bond market and corporate bonds, primarily from Danish issuers. HP Hedge Fixed Income SEK is a feeder fund for HP Hedge Fixed Income, denominated in Swedish kroner.

The funds objective

  • To deliver an absolute return over a 3-year period above CIBOR 12 + 5 % p.a.

  • To have a low correlation to traditional asset classes

  • To deliver the highest possible Sharpe ratio over a 3-year period

The Danish Bond Market

The Danish Mortgage Bond Market has in its 200 year history resisted several crises and appears as a safe and well tested system. The structure is based on registration of all real estate in Denmark, a thoroughly defined legal system and effective procedures in case of debtors’ default. The market consists of a large number of issues, approximately 1,700. Despite the large number of issues, the market is still very liquid. The high credit quality is shown by the high rating all new issues receive.

Approved by Danish FSA

Kapitalforeningen HP Hedge is registered with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority under FT no 24.042. The Fund is registered with the Danish Business Authority under CVR no 29623201. If you cannot find the information you are looking for on this website, please do not hesitate to contact the fund administrator or its investment adviser HP Fondsmæglerselskab.